GEICO - Fast-Forward
We had a new pre-roll problem: a media buy with no skip buttons. How do we keep people from hating an ad they can't skip? We fast-forward it to the end. At the end of each :15 pre-roll, viewers could click to watch the full-length ad and see what they missed. Directed by Nick Ball.
Ad of the day AdWeek | Pick of the day Creativity | AdAge | Forbes | AgencySpy | Top 5 Fast Co. | Campaign US | Creative Review
We had a new pre-roll problem: a media buy with no skip buttons. How do we keep people from hating an ad they can't skip? We fast-forward it to the end. At the end of each :15 pre-roll, viewers could click to watch the full-length ad and see what they missed. Directed by Nick Ball.
Ad of the day AdWeek | Pick of the day Creativity | AdAge | Forbes | AgencySpy | Top 5 Fast Co. | Campaign US | Creative Review
Ad of the day AdWeek | Pick of the day Creativity | AdAge | Forbes | AgencySpy | Top 5 Fast Co. | Campaign US | Creative Review
Cannes Film Gold & Silver | Cannes Cyber Silver | Cannes Promo/Activation Bronze | One Show Gold, Silver & Bronze | Clio Silver | LIAA Gold, Silver & Bronze | D&AD Wood Pencil
Cannes Film Gold & Silver | Cannes Cyber Silver | Cannes Promo/Activation Bronze | One Show Gold, Silver & Bronze | Clio Silver | LIAA Gold, Silver & Bronze | D&AD Wood Pencil